Montag, 28. Mai 2012

Mange Toute Seule #2

scrambled eggs, green asparagus & parmesan cheese, caramelized shallots and cherry tomotoes

Sonntag, 27. Mai 2012

Mange Toute Seule #1

I will start with a real classic: tomato & mozzarella on a bun! Simple but exquisitly delicous!

Nouveau! 13% gratuit!

So, we will be starting a new category on this foody blog: "Mange Tout Seul" (which would be Franz) and "Mange Toute Seule" (which would be me). Since Franz and I live in two different cities and usually only post meals we've cooked together (which, unfortunately, does not happen too often), we thought it'd be a shame if our solo food stays on locked up on our hard drives.

Here we go!

Montag, 21. Mai 2012

Back on track!

Sorry for our absence- we are now back in Germany/Austria (there are no kangaroos in Austria!) with a new camera!

main course: tri-colour pasta, turnip, carrots, ginger, shallots, spring onion, garlic, parsley, salt & pepper
side: celery root lemon salad with walnuts and parmesan cheese